Algy's Leisure Activities

This slideshow presents a set of animated GIFs showing what Algy gets up to when he is not out and about having serious adventures!

The slideshow will play automatically, showing each GIF for about 20 seconds, but you can also click on the arrows to go forward and back, or hover over a GIF to prevent it from moving on to the next one.

Algy Enjoys Painting

Algy Enjoys Painting

Algy Likes Berries!

Algy Likes Berries!

Algy Gives Balloon Rides, Mouse Holds on Tight!

Algy Gives Balloon Rides, Mouse Holds on Tight!

Algy Enjoys Giving His Rubber Swan a Bath

Algy Enjoys Giving His Rubber Swan a Bath

Algy Loves Sparklers!

Algy Loves Sparklers!

When He's Happy, Algy Dances

When He's Happy, Algy Dances

Algy is Puzzled by Jigsaw Puzzles

Algy is Puzzled by Jigsaw Puzzles

Algy Helps with the Christmas Decorations

Algy Helps with the Christmas Decorations