Reviews of The Tree With A Golden Heart

Reviews posted by readers around the world, with the most recent at the top.

From on September 12th, 2016

★★★★★A fantastic book for all ages to share. Recommended!!

Reviewed by D Payne

The Tree With A Golden Heart, paperback 2nd (revised) edition

I read this book with my 8 year old daughter and we are both Algy fans.

We both really enjoyed this book after reading the first book and it feels like all the characters are our friends.

We look forward to more adventures with Plog, Algy and all our other friends.

Hope they all stay free of Bog Fever!

From on July 15th, 2016

★★★★★A great read, for all ages.

Reviewed by Roni

The Tree With A Golden Heart, paperback 2nd (revised) edition

Algy's second adventure was a nail biting, race against time that kept me on the edge of my seat. Written beautifully with illustrations to match. Can't wait to see what's in store for the Fluffy bird next. :)

From on May 10th, 2016

★★★★★Algy. What a Hero!

Reviewed by Nick

The Tree With A Golden Heart, paperback 2nd (revised) edition

I read this book to my 7 year old son Gabriel. He loved it. It`s the follow-up to 'A Surprisingly Fluffy Bird' which told the story of Algy being washed up in strange land after being lost at sea. Tree with a Golden Heart is a beautiful tale of friendship, illness and adventure.

The author, Jenny Chapman, has a wonderful style of writing which quite literally transports the reader to a far away place of sun, sea, islands, storms and beauty. You`ll think you`ve been there by the time you finish the story!

We are both looking forward to Algy`s next adventure.

From on March 1st, 2016

★★★★★ふわふわアルジーの冒険、夢中で読みました。I was engrossed in reading The Adventures of Fluffy Algy :D

Reviewed by tuftie [verified purchase]

The Tree With A Golden Heart, hardback-OP edition

白くて黄色くて、青い目の鳥・アルジー冒険譚の第二弾。一作目はアルジーが(たぶん)南洋の生まれ故郷から、嵐に飛ばされ、荒波に揉まれたりして、遙かスコットランドにたどり着き、ハイランド地方の鳥や動物と知り合う、いわば紹介編でした。この第二作目では、病に倒れた親友の詩人(詩蛙)プロッグを救うため、アルジーは唯一の特効薬を手に入れるため、伝説の『黄金のハートを持つ樹』を探して、やっとこさ馴染んだ土地を飛び立ちます。アザラシやハクチョウ、カワウソやコマドリ、今回も、ちょっと荒っぽいようなスコティッシュ・ハイランドの自然の中で、味方おり、敵もおり、いろんな動物や鳥が登場します。子どもがひとりで読めるように、易しい言葉で、リズミカルに綴られた文章は、各章に配された秀逸なイラストとともに、大奮闘のアルジーを始め、個性的な仲間たち、道中行き合う生き物たち、草や木、海や小川、夜の森を活き活きと描き出しています。英語の得意でないオトナの皆さんには、特に声に出して読むのがおすすめ。(巻末のワンポイント・スコットランド語メモがお役立ち。) いつの間にやら、アルジーと一緒にハラハラ、ドキドキ、おんなじ旅を体験してます。読後には、アルジーと作者のジェニーさんのwebサイトやブログも覗いてみると、ますます世界が深く広がります。

Unfortunately Algy cannot understand Japanese, but Google provide this approximate translation into English:

The second instalment of the white, yellow, blue-eyed bird, Algy's adventure saga. The first book is an introduction to Algy, who travels from his (presumably) native land in the South Seas, being blown away by storms and rough seas, to Scotland, getting to know the birds and animals of the Highlands. In this second book, in order to save his best friend, the poet (the poet frog) Plog, who has fallen ill, Algy takes off, searching for the legendary "Tree with the Golden Heart" in order to obtain the only magic remedy. Seals, swans, otters, robins, and a variety of animals and birds appear in the rough environment of the Scottish Highlands. The texts, which are written rhythmically in simple language so that children can read on their own, are vividly depicted in the midst of the great struggle of Algy, his unique friends, the creatures he passes along the way, the grass and trees, the sea and streams, and the forest at night, along with the excellent illustrations placed in each chapter. For adults who are not good at English, it is especially recommended to read aloud. (A Scottish glossary at the end of the book is helpful.) Before I knew it, I was experiencing a thrilling and similar trip with Algy. After reading, take a peek at the websites and blogs of Algy and the author, Jenny, and the world will expand more and more.